Sunday, March 09, 2008

Starting to think about starting pre-school

The other day, I had to walk over to the school next door to attend to some business. I took Taylor with me for the fun of it, and on the way home, I decided to stop in and visit the pre-school that Taylor will be going to in a few months. I thought it would be a good idea to bring her by so that when we talk about her going to pre-school, she would know what it looks like and have a bit more of an idea of what to expect. And she loved it! We walked around and had a good look at everything and met the teachers. Then two little girls walked up to us, befriended Taylor, and continued to show us around. Although Taylor was a bit shy at first, I could tell that she got way more comfortable even in the 30 minutes that we were there. It's weird to think about Taylor being away four mornings a week, but I know that it will be good for her and that she's going to absolutely love it. She's already talking about going to pre-school soon like a big girl, and she's really excited about it. And in the meantime, I'm glad that we still have a few more months before everything is going to change!


Jaime said...

Randall starts preschool in a few months, too. Where does the time go? Preschool was really, really good for Russ because he is so quiet. He really blossomed and has continued to do so in kindergarten, too. I look forward to seeing the same growth in Rand, too. I can't wait to hear about Taylor's experiences. :-)

Kristi Walsh said...

hey Jaime ~ great to hear from you! It's amazing how quickly the years go by, isn't it? I think that pre-school will be really good for Taylor, too. She's quiet in new surroundings and with new people, but once she gets comfortable in a setting, watch out!! :-) Hopefully pre-school will give her an extra boost of confidence that she'll need in preparation for school. Watch this space. Pre-school stories coming soon!