Friday, May 15, 2009

First Week of School

Taylor has done amazing at school this week ~ even to the point where she's surprised us all at how good she's done. Her teacher had her wisdom teeth taken out yesterday, so Taylor had two different subs yesterday and today, making 3 different teachers for her first 3 days in school. And she took it all in stride and did beautifully regardless! Admittedly, she was slightly more clingy when I dropped her off this morning, but with just a little bit of encouragement, she obediently found her friend and sat next to her for "mat time" first thing in the morning. And by the end of the day today when I picked her up, she was all smiles and reported another great day. What a little trooper! She's done absolutely wonderful in her reading, too ~ honestly, I had no idea she could read as well as she can. It's been a great confidence-booster for her to start off school with immediate success in reading.

Her teacher, by the way, is absolutely wonderful and has gotten rave reviews from other parents; and though Taylor's only had her one day so far, I've been quite impressed with what I've seen already.

I am definitely looking forward to the weekend and having Taylor home for the next couple days ~ I do miss her when she's gone all day for school! I think it will be good for Taylor, too, to have some down time and maybe even a nap or two.....she's definitely been tired after the long days. I can't wait to have cuddles with her in bed in the morning and read stories together ~ now that's the way to start the weekend!


Jaime said...

So, is it a year-round kind of school? Seems like leaving pre-school one day and starting kindergarten the next would be hard--no break to get ready! :-)

Esther Irwin said...

kiwi kids are tough! I can't believe she's old enough to start school. seem like only yesterday she was a baby. They grow fast. or we get old fast. sigh.