Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The last two days have been pretty big ones around here! Between Taylor's 5th birthday, her pre-school graduation, and the start of school.....she's had a lot going on in her little world! Yesterday we celebrated her birthday as a family.

We had waffles for breakfast, opened presents, and then enjoyed what will be our last lazy weekday morning for a while. It was cold and rainy outside, so the 3 of us got cozy on the couch with blankets and pillows and watched kid's DVDs until it was time to get Taylor ready for her last day of pre-school. And what a full day at pre-school it was! Not only did they celebrate her birthday, but they also had a special little graduation 'ceremony' for Taylor to remember her last year at the pre-school and to honor her on her last day.

Then, this morning, we were up early to get her off to school! I began to get a bit nervous about it all last night, as Taylor started to get a bit teary and anxious about the prospect of starting school. She was still a bit hesitant this morning.....until she got dressed in her uniform. Then suddenly everything changed, and she was confident and ready for her day!

Fortunately there are 2 little girls already in her class that she knew from pre-school, so when we got to her classroom, she immediately found them and was happy as could be. When it came time for me to leave and say goodbye, she said, "Bye, mom! Love you!". No tears, no hesitation; quite happy for me to leave and for her to begin this whole new adventure on her own. I couldn't believe her confidence, and I was so happy that it was such an easy, painless morning. And when I picked her up at the end of the day, she was all smiles and giving a great report from her day! I am so grateful for the pre-school and the preparation they deliberately do to make the transition into school easy on the kids. It seems to have really worked! Of course, it will probably take her a good couple weeks to transition fully, but if the first day is any indication of how the following days will be, we're in for a good ride.

I gotta say, Mama sure is proud of her little girl tonight!

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