Tuesday, July 14, 2009

One of the things I hate the most...

...is saying goodbye. I've done a fair share of it in my day. My first memorable goodbye was when I brought my dad to the airport in Kansas City after he and I drove halfway across the country for me to begin my new life as a 19 year old "adult" in the midwest. I still remember crying most of the 45 minute drive home. More recently have been the goodbyes on either side of the pacific ocean. And today's goodbye was much the same ~ except this time we're on the western side of the pacific rather than the eastern, and Graeme and Sabrina are headed back on their yellow brick road to Oz. (The Kansas Oz, that is, not the Australian abbreviation). And no matter how much you do it (say goodbye, that is), it never gets easier. I'll admit that I cried like a baby this morning saying goodbye (of course, it doesn't help that my own baby was crying most of last night and therefore I was going on very little sleep). But I think it would be safe to say that even had I the luxury of a 10 hour sleep, the goodbye wouldn't have been any less painful. But fortunately the farewell is behind us, and from here on out it gets a bit easier. Of course, we'll still miss them heaps in the days and weeks and months to come.


In the midst of it all I lean into sovereignty. I lean into Strength when I am weak. And I believe that not only does He know what is best for Mum and Dad, He knows what is best for me. And for my children. And so I trust. Say yes again. Sign up again for this life that we live that isn't always comfortable or easy, but is right. And I hold close to my heart the promises that He has given and the signs in recent days that have shouted to me from Heaven that He knows, that He cares deeply, and that He has my best in mind.


Unknown said...

These words are like honey to my soul Kristi. I love you heart! Thinking of you and praying with you in this season. xoxo.

Isabel said...

I'm deeply feeling with and for you, Kristi... I've been thinking of you all day. I know this must be very hard.
May the COMFORTER minister deeply to your heart at this time - and I pray you'll get some SLEEP tonight!
Love ya, courageous sister!
Can't wait to see your little man:)