Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Love my midwife

I am so grateful to the Lord for His amazing leadership and how kind He was to lead me to my midwife. I don't remember if I've ever told that story, but the basic gist of it is that I went into an office one day looking for a midwife, following up on a recommendation. There was no receptionist on duty, but this young lady walks up from the back, and after talking for a few minutes, offers to take me (and my friend, who was with me) as her patients. I didn't know anything about this lady except for the 5 minute conversation we'd just had, but I felt to go for it....and I'm so glad I did. Turns out she's a really strong believer! It is such a joy to me that we are able to talk about the Lord in our appointments, and that I'm able to really share about what God is doing in my heart and life....and she completely understands. Just today she sends me a text that she was praying for our baby last night, and felt the Lord speak some things to her about him.....stuff that I recognize as being very similar to other "whispers" from Heaven that we've recieved about this little boy. I mean, come on....how many midwives pray over the babies in the womb they are caring for, and hear God speak about them?

I remember being a bit nervous about the NZ midwifery system before I found this midwife, and I asked the Lord that I would end up with someone that I liked even better than the midwives I had back in the States. And He has abundantly answered!


Anonymous said...

Kristi, I'm sure you'll get a laugh out of this link :o)



Marci Lewellen said...

so great!