Tuesday, April 25, 2006

In case you're wondering, it can be done....

I packed, well, quite a few Yankee Candles in our container. I love Yankee Candles - in fact, they were one of the things in our container that I was looking forward to unpacking the most. Imagine my dismay when we unpacked them and saw that they had melted; and because they were packed on their side, not right-side-up, the wax was in the lid of the candle and the wick no where to be seen. Hence the beginning of my science experiment - can you melt Yankee Candles in the microwave? (And because I know you've all spent hours pondering whether this is possible, I'll let you in on my results, just so you won't have to take up your own valuable time repeating the said experiment)......yes, you can melt a Yankee Candle in the microwave until it's just soft and pliable enough to smoosh the wax down and dig out the wick. And yes, the candle still did light.

To give credit where credit is due, this was my husband's idea. Score one for Kiwi inginuity!


Anonymous said...

good thing you got that microwave!! :)

Randy Bohlender said...

Hey friends - so glad your stuff arrived intact. :) But be truthful - did you have any mixed emotions to see all the stuff? We had our things in storage for a month before coming to IHOP. My heart sunk when the container opened up and I saw all that stuff I was responsible for once again....life out of a rubbermaid container was so simple!

we miss you guys - rb

Jaime said...

I bet your house smelled good while you were fixing those candles! Mmmm...

Brent Steeno said...

I heard word that the you guys are flying me out to New Zealand this fall? I cant believe you guys are going to do that for me. That really does my heart well.

Randy Bohlender said...

Kristi - make Steeno's ticket a one-way and I think I can raise at least half on this end.


Brent Steeno said...

I dont think Randy realizes that one day I will be over him at the house of prayer....if he knows something about job security he would not say something like that.

Kristi Walsh said...

Brent - I regret to inform you that you're dreaming about the plane ticket.

Randy - I had mixed emotions. I will confess that it is a bit overwhelming (burdernsome?) to have so much stuff to decide where to put and what to do with it.....but there's also part of me that's loving having everything (most things?) back. Especially all that's required to once more have a well-stocked kitchen, and also Taylor's gear. She was so excited to see her toys again - that right there made it all worth it.

Brent Steeno said...

God never leads you on dead end dreams.

Kristi Walsh said...

Esther - yes, now we have you to thank not only for the microwave, but also for the resurrected Yankee Candles. Thank You!!!

Anonymous said...

Gee, i'd be interested in a one way ticket to IHOP in KC!!

Kristi Walsh said...

I know someone else who would love a ticket to Kansas City, too! :-)