Monday, April 24, 2006

It's finally here!

The arrival of the container was just a good as - no, actually better than - I ever expected it to be. It's just so nice to look around our home and see familar things. In a strange way, it almost feels as though we've gone home. I know we haven't, but that's almost how it feels.

We've spent all afternoon unpacking, and so far, I haven't found one thing broken. Our packers were incredible - they did such a great job packing not only the boxes, but also the container.

It was like Christmas all over again for Taylor when we unpacked the boxes with her toys and books! She was so excited to see everything again - especially the slide, the kitchen, and all her books. We still have a couple boxes of toys that we didn't get to today, so the fun will definitely continue tomorrow.

Now comes the fun (and overwhelming) part of figuring out where we're going to put everything. One thing I know for sure....I'm certainly not looking forward to our next move, even if it's just across town!

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