Wednesday, July 18, 2007

All in a day's work

So, about that meeting I mentioned. It really reminded me of the good 'ole "Division 4" days, for any of you out there reading this who actually know what that is. (Translated = the days in Kansas City when Deborah and I ran the prayer room). Today our task at hand was to come up with the new worship leader schedule for the next few months. To aid in this process, off I went this morning to the stationary store to buy a big white board. It has unanimously been decided that this thing is worth its weight in gold, has no doubt already paid itself back after just a few hours of use, and we're all wondering why it took us so long to actually buy one. Because a picture is worth a thousand words, here is the product of 2 hours worth of 3 people's brain power. I know - it doesn't look that hard. It really shouldn't be. But there are many factors that play into producing a schedule that works. Believe me, it gets even more fun when we're doing a 24 hour schedule. I speak from experience.

We're really a professional operation now - we now own a white board! Note our high-tech easel......


LORENA said...

So glad to see how God is moving in NZ and how the House of Prayer is going forward.

Here in Ecuador.. we have had some prayer meetings though.. I know God time is almost there.. hope soon... PLEASE PRAY FOR IT..

Blessings and love


Esther Irwin said...

love those straight lines...

Kristi Walsh said...

where's a meter stick when you need one?