Monday, July 09, 2007

Time to Party!

Yesterday's 4th of July celebration did not disappoint. It was a long-awaited feast, perhaps the best part of which being the oreo cheesecake. The company was as good as the food; we invited two couples to come over to join us, which made it all the more fun.

The other highlight of the day yesterday was the breaking-in of the new waffle maker. 'Twas a long time in coming due to a certain fast, but it was well-worth every day of waiting. It produced some terrific large-hole waffles that will no-doubt become a regular appearance 'round here - most especially on Sunday.

Today's highlight of the day? My trek up the mount. I managed to dodge most of the raindrops that fell today, only getting rained on for part of the way up. Not too bad considering that it has been raining on and off all day. Once I got to the top, I got this crazy idea to see if I could get down in half the time it took me to get up. Great idea- if it wasn't such a rainy day. So, I was flying down. I was making great time until I got to the really muddy part. No, I didn't fall. That in and of itself was quite a miracle, however my left foot did manage to find perhaps the biggest mud puddle I have ever encountered in my life, and by the time I stepped out of it, my shoe and sock and the bottom of my pants were covered in mud. You would have thought that would have caused me to learn my lesson and slow down, but no, I still needed to see if I could get down in 7 minutes or less. Then my right foot found another mud puddle; fortunately not as large as the first one. I finally made it to the base of the mount 8 seconds over my goal. If only it wasn't so muddy........

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