Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Beautiful Day in the Bay

It was an absolutely gorgeous day today. Sunny and warm - at least, in comparison to the recent weather we've been having. So, one of the (many) things that Taylor and I did today was go to the park with some new friends that have just moved here to do the internship. This couple has a son who is 18 months old, so the moms and kids headed to the park and had a really great time. It was refreshing to be in the warm sunshine after so much cold rain; it was even hot enough that we had to put the A/C on in the car on our way home!

That was only one part of our adventures today, though. The day started when we left the house at 9am, went to the post office, the video store, and then the pharmacy to get Taylor's passport photos done. Then it was off to the prayer room, then to the grocery store, then to the stationary store, then to pick up our friends, then to the park, then to the butcher, then to our friend's house to drop them off, and then home. Just enough time for lunch and a quick story before Taylor's nap, and then I had a lengthy meeting to sort out prayer room stuff. The meeting ended, and my friend Anna stayed on to help me get dinner ready for a few girls who were coming over for the evening. We enjoyed a great Italian dinner (chicken parmesean, salad, and garlic bread), and now that the kitchen is clean I get to catch up on emails and blogging and then prepare for intercession tomorrow at 10am. Phew! What a day! Full, but a really good day. The park and having the girls over for dinner tonight were definitely the highlights. My afternoon meeting was, too, in a different sort of day. Let's just say, it really brought me back to my Kansas City days! I think I'll sleep good tonight.....

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