Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Vacation Report

Our time away in Taupo was wonderful, though undoubtedly not long enough. It felt like we had just started to unwind when it was time to load up the car and head home. But no complaints here; a few days away was better than none at all. Some of the highlights of the trip were going for walks with the girls, going out for lunch with Marty and Candice, staying up late and playing Texas holdem with the guys, buying 4 punnets of delicious strawberries for only 99 cents each (It's the middle of winter here, remember. That is totally unheard of!), and simply enjoying lots of time with friends. The worst part of the trip by far was being sick all night Friday night, and the strangest part of the trip was being asked out on a date while shopping at Pack 'n Save - by an employee. Wow.

To say we hit the ground running as soon as we got home would be a profound understatement. It's full-go here at the moment! The day we got back was devoted to laundry and house cleaning, but also included the arrival of a couple coming from Australia to do the internship, and also a meeting with one of our former interns who has been in town for the last couple of weeks. I've also been helping Aaron to get ready for his trip to South Korea. He leaves later on this evening and will be gone for about 12 days. And of course, there is an internship starting in less than two weeks that we're not even close to ready for. Wow! Lots on my plate for the next couple of weeks; but it's all good. Who would want life to be dull and boring, anyway?


Anonymous said...

for your USA readers:
What's a "punnet"? PW

Esther Irwin said...

Punnet - a small light basket or container for fruit or vegetables (approximately a pint).

What's the internet for anyway? :)