Sunday, January 27, 2008

Getting back into the routine

It's been quite a week! It's amazing how long it takes to unpack after being gone for a month. Although I feel like I am mostly settled back in, there are still a few piles of things that need to be put away and a few remaining jobs that must be done.

No sooner did Aaron unpack his bags, when he started packing them again; this time, for a ministry trip to Hawaii. He left early yesterday morning, so us girls are holding down the fort at home.

Tomorrow morning I begin my routine of going up the mount. My "week of getting settled" is over, and it's now time to re-engage in the disciplines of life, as much as will allow being a "single parent" for the week (though, thanks to Nic and Dayna, it really doesn't feel like I'm that much of a single parent at all). As much as I'm not looking forward to the rude awakening that awaits me when I realize just how much one can become out-of-shape in the span of one short month, I am looking forward to getting back out there and working my way back into running up the trail. And one added perk is that I get to wear my new workout clothes and try out my new running shoes, so if nothing else, at least my expedition up the mount will have purpose beyond simply exercise! :-)

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