Monday, January 21, 2008

In New Zealand once again

We're back. The last couple days I have been busily unpacking and getting re-settled in, doing laundry, grocery shopping, and even taking down our Christmas decorations. I think we are probably the only family in the world that still had Christmas decorations up on the 20th of January, but all for good reason!

Our time in the States was wonderful. So wonderful it was painful, actually. We saw so many dear friends, enjoyed lots of time with the family, did tons of fun stuff, and of course ate lots of yummy American food. The whole trip was a precious gift from Jesus, for which I am most grateful. I think it will take me a while to get re-settled back into life here; part of my heart is most definitely still in America.

Today we begin to gear up for this next year with the House of Prayer. We begin an abbreviated version of the prayer room schedule tomorrow, gearing up for the normal schedule which will start in early February. I'm excited about this year; it feels as though it will be a significant one, though I'm not exactly sure in what ways. I'm provoked to seek the Lord and to ask what He is thinking and feeling when He looks at this little city called Tauranga; I know He has much on His heart and that His plans and purposes for this city will prevail.

1 comment:

Esther Irwin said...

welcome back, Walsh's!! Let me know when you get back to a regular schedule. I'd like to come down again.