Thursday, January 31, 2008

Life's Unexpected Turn

This is may be old news for many of my readers in blogdom (that is, if there are any of you left after my recent prolonged periods of silence). However, chances are that if you live outside of either Kansas City or New Zealand, and/or haven't spoken to us recently, you won't have any idea of the impending changes in the Walsh family. (drumroll, please....)

Aaron's parents are (probably temporairily) coming back to New Zealand. On Wednesday.

We seriously couldn't be happier, but unfortunately, the circumstances aren't so grand for them. They have been denied their green card, and therefore must return to New Zealand to appeal the decision, a process which could take anywhere from 6-12 months. There are no guarantees that the appeal will be won, so the future is most certainly uncertain. But one thing we are sure of ~ everyone is looking forward to the fact that the whole family gets to be together, for as long as this next season will last. Little Taylor is absolutely beside herself, and asks me at least three times a day how many more days it will be until Nana and Grandad come!

So no doubt there will be lots of stories ~ and pictures ~ yet to come over the next few months. Who knows how long this season will last, so we'll be holding onto every moment of it while it's here.

1 comment:

Esther Irwin said...

So did they get there? What's the follow up?