Friday, February 22, 2008

Long Overdue Update

Wow. What a month it has been. It feels as though I've scarcely had time to sit down and read a blog, muchless write one. So here's the scoop on what's been going on in life recently.
  • Family. It's been great having Graeme and Sabrina around! Taylor, especially, is thoroughly enjoying all the time with and attention from her grandparents. They're getting settled in and trying to establish some sort of routine, but doing really well.
  • THOP. It's been a great start to the new year. Neither of the interns who applied for the Feb. internship were able to come. But this has actually worked out really well, as we've been able to focus as a community on what we're really about at our core: prayer. It has also allowed us time to invest in the establishing of infrastructure, long-term planning, and leadership development that will be necessary to sustain growth in the future. The prayer room is open from 8am-noon Mon-Sat and 6pm-10pm Mon-Fri. We've also moved yet again to a new facility ~ somewhat. Those who have been following this blog for the last year may remember that last Feb we unexpectedly had to move into the church nursery b/c the main building wasn't ready yet. Well, at the start of the year, we were able to move downstairs into the Kidsworld room, which has been great. It has a full sound system, and plenty big enough for us. Well, just this past week, the Pastor and his wife offered to us to move upstairs and use their sanctuary, if we'd like to. We decided to take them up on their offer ~ and it's been awesome! Especially since we can use their drum kit! Our little community is awesome; they are so genuine and hungry for the Lord, and it's really fun doing this thing together.
  • Travel. Aaron has several trips lined up throughout the next several months. One of the perks of having grandparents around is that we're planning a week of "Taylor and Nana/Grandad bonding time" in April so that I can join Aaron when he goes to Sydney! I can't remember the last time we got on a plane together to go somewhere just the two of us. Actually, that's not entirely true. I can remember. It would have been 4 years ago, before Taylor was born. It's going to be awesome going away together for a week, not to mention the fact that I get to see Sydney!
  • Hospitality. When it rains, it pours. After several months of not doing much in the line of entertaining, this week alone we hosted company for a meal at least 4 times. Graeme's brother and siter in law were in town, so we had them for a night, we hosted a welcome back party for Graeme and Sabrina, had two couples over who are moving/have moved here, and also hosted a couple girls from Kansas City who have been in town for a few days. It's been fun, but sure has been pretty busy!
  • The mundaneness of life. It all sounds so exciting ~ going here, doing this, family in town, etc. etc. etc. And it sure is exciting. I love what we do and wouldn't trade it for the world. But lest I give a false impression that life is all a party, I won't hesitate to say that there is no shortage of the less-glamerous day-in, day-out rigors of life. Laundry, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, paying the bills, and running errands abound in good measure, as they always do in the life of any mom.

All in all, we're alive and well down under, carrying in our hearts the vision from Isa. 24 that the earth will hear singing from the ends of the earth (that's New Zealand!), proclaiming the glory and majesty of the Righteous One.

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