Monday, January 28, 2008

Random thoughts

The mount wasn't what I was expecitng it to be. It was way worse than I ever imagined it could be. It reminded me of the first time I ever went up, and I was wondering how it could ever have been that I actually ran up that hill at one time. It's amazing how long it takes to gain something, and how quickly it can be lost. Hopefully it won't take me a whole year to work back to where I was 6 weeks ago.

Enough on that depressing topic. I've stayed up far too late this evening surfing the internet, looking for new worship songs. It's no secret that my worship notebook is filled mostly with songs that are, well, old. And I'm in desperate need to learn some new stuff. Forunately I found a couple good ones; now I've just gotta learn 'em.

Tomorrow is a prayer room day for me, which means it's now officially past my bedtime and if I have any hope of getting a decent sleep tonight, I better hurry myself off to bed.

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