Monday, October 19, 2009

20 Years Ago Today

It's a night I'll remember as long as I live. I was 9 years old, had my pajamas on, and was on my way to bed when the phone rang. Dad answered, and before he even said 5 words, I knew immediately that the news wasn't good, and my life was forver changed. Within moments he gathered my brother and I in the living room to tell us that Mom (who was in the hospital) had gone to be with Jesus.

I could go on and on about the emotions I felt that night and in the days, weeks, and months to follow. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what those would have been. More to the point, today my thoughts haven't been of sadness and mourning, but rather of amazement at the kindness and goodness of my Heavenly Father to carry me through these last 20 years, and to bring me into the broad and spacious place that I'm in today. Let's face it: the story could have easily not turned out as good as it did. I could have easily fallen off the deep end, turned into a dysfunctional person (well, maybe I am a little!), and have ended up with a much different life than the one I have now. I could have run away from God and into a myriad of vices to dull the pain, but for no reason other than His grace, I found myself running to Him in the midst of unbearable grief. He is so kind, so good, so merciful, and so able to care for His children perfectly. And those aren't just nice little cliches. It's the story of my life. I'm grateful; really grateful. And sometimes I catch myself imagining what it will be like when, someday, I'll get to see my mother again, run into her arms, hug her, and catch up on the decades that we missed. Now that's going to be a glorious day!


Ruth said...

I wept as I read your post, both for your loss and for God's deep, abiding love. What a wonderful testimony to your mom!

love you,


Jaime said...

What a neat way to look at it. I'm glad God's grace is so big.