Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Yes, 4th of July celebrations will be alive and well here in New Zealand, albeit a few days late. We're going to wait and celebrate on Sunday with a good, proper 4th of July cookout menu - in the middle of winter. No American hot dogs to be found in New Zealand, so hamburgers and sausages it will be, with homemade baked beans (no decent beans in a can here, either), a cheesy potato bake, some sort of yummy veggie dish, enough chips and salsa and guacamole to sink a ship, and (drumroll, please).....a cookies 'n cream cheesecake for dessert. Not the most patriotic dessert, I know, but the idea received a unanimous vote in the Walsh household, so cookies 'n cream cheesecake it will be. We can't wait. It all sounds pretty yummy. Especially since today is the last day of the global bridegroom fast and any mention of food is a welcome one! :-)


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July, Happy anniversary & Happy birthday Aaron!

Esther Irwin said...

mmmm... cookies and cream cheesecake sounds like a recipe I would like to make. :)