Saturday, December 01, 2007

Lovin' the stormin' weather
I need to preface this post by providing a bit of explanation that New Zealand doesn't have anything close to the kind of storms we had in Kansas City. Thunderstorms are very rare here, and hardly ever will you see a really good one. One of the things I miss about Kansas City are those spring-time thunderstorms. Not the wimpy ones, but those really intense ones with loud cracks of thunder, lightning that streaks across the sky, straight-line winds that make you feel as if you're about to blow away (but do nothing more than blow a few leaves off the trees), pounding rain, and - if it's a really good one - a nice display of hail. As for the tornadoes, well, I certainly don't miss those.
Well, last night, we had one heckuva good storm 'round here. The thunder and lightning weren't much to write home about, but the hail sure was. It wasn't all that big (not complanin' 'bout that), but the impressive part was the amount of it. Truth be told, I don't think I've even seen this much hail produced in a good 'ole Kansas City storm. Don't believe me? Check out these pics:

Hail in the garden

Our back yard....

...and our deck.

Taylor discovers hail. She kept calling it snow! :-)

Gotta say, it sure was a nice little taste of home.

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