Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Taylor!

My apple butter project (and posts) have been put on hold for a much more important occasion: yesterday Taylor celebrated her 4th birthday! We had a wonderful day celebrating the life of our beautiful little princess. She went to pre-school and had a little celebration there, and then we had a small family party at home in the evening. Here's some photos of the festivities:

Taylor and Nana decorating cupcakes to bring to pre-school

Cupcakes decorated and ready for the morning!

Celebrating Taylor's birthday at pre-school
Butterfly birthday cake
Opening presents. Notice the Snow White costume......
one of her favorite gifts
Strike a pose with the new panda unbrella!


Esther Irwin said...

any recipes for the cupcakes? :) cute pictures. happy birthday Taylor!

Unknown said...

Dearest Kristi,
Taylor is adorable! She looks so like her mother. Loved your web site. Will be writing to you.
Love...Mrs. Mac (Dawn Mclaughlin)

Kristi Walsh said...

Mrs. Mac!! It is so good to hear from you! I must get your new email address....I have tried to send you our updates, but they keep getting sent back to me. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!