Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sea Breezes

It's a lovely night. The air is cool, the windows are open, and the most delicious sea breeze is blowing through. The smell of the sea air is so satisfying; it smells like we literally live across the street from the ocean.

That scent, combined with the fresh smell of my furniture polish (reminding me that my living room is sparkling clean), makes relaxing on the couch and reading Revelation the perfect end to the day.

For the first time in a long time, I am content. Granted, the only reason I have felt discontent recently (as in, the last 3 months) is due solely to the surge of hormones in my body which have wreaked havoc on my emotions and my perceptions and caused me to feel quite moody/unstable/overwhelmed/emotional/fill in the blank. So tonight I am enjoying for the first time in a long time what seems to be the re-appearing of myself again. And I sure hope that the "me" that I know chooses to hang around for a good while now. Pregnancy sure is a strange thing. Although I haven't been as sick this time as I was with Taylor, this has definitely been a harder pregnancy so far. I'm hoping that days like these will become more the norm as I get farther into the supposedly-glorious 2nd trimester.

I could go on and on. But I'll spare you from reading and spare myself from writing more, and I'll now get back to Revelation. It's much more profitable reading than my own writing is.

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