Saturday, July 29, 2006

First Milestone Gone By

Yesterday marked the graduation of the first THOP internship class. It was an awesome was great to reflect on each of the interns and where they started this journey and how far they've all come. It was sobering to stand back and catch a glimpse of the fruit of our labor, and to feel a bit of the pleasure of God in what He has done here in this city.

One of the highlights of the graduation was a last-minute visit from Daniel Lim, one of the senior leaders from IHOP-KC. He had been in Australia and contacted us a couple weeks ago and said that he'd love to come visit and pray with us. The timing of his visit couldn't have been better if it was planned. What a gift to have one of our friends from Kansas City here for the first internship graduation. Definitely a kiss from the Lord.

So now we have a week off - yeah! I'm really looking forward to having a chance to rest and slow down the pace quite a bit. I'm hoping that in this week I can get caught up, then prepare for the next internship - and then if I'm really doing good, maybe even get a bit ahead.

This evening we had a few families over for a mid-winter cookout. It was great to just relax and have fun and enjoy good food and good friends.

And now for a really random thought, here's a picture that my friend, Isabel, took while Taylor was playing at her house with her daughter, Kylie. Talk about a little cutie!

1 comment:

Esther Irwin said...

I remember those!! Samantha had one just like it and had so much fun playing with it. Now she's 15 and wanting to drive again!! Life goes by so fast...don't blink!! Taylor will be 15 in no time.