Monday, July 17, 2006

Getting Settled

We're in. There are boxes everywhere, but we're in. It's been a pretty full-on couple of days. Actually, on second thought, it's been a pretty full-on week. The last couple days I've had nothing else on my mind nor agenda besides unpacking boxes and finding places for things and putting things away and trying to regain some sense of order in our life. I have been reminded again that doing this with a two year old means that the unpacking process also takes twice as long as it would otherwise. This time, instead of my helper unpacking the boxes I worked so hard to pack, now my little helper tries to pack the boxes I'm unpacking! But such are the joys and paradoxes of motherhood, and at the end of the day, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Another reason that the unpacking is taking a bit longer is that Taylor is absolutely loving playing outside - and she wants (yea, needs) me to play outside with her! The house we're living in is situated on about an acre of land, and she is having so much fun running around outside and discovering her new surroundings. And watching our neighbor's horse. (Yes, our neighbors have a horse.) I, too, am enjoying living on so much land. This is the first time in my life that I've lived in a house where you don't have a view of the inside of your neighbor's house from within your own.....and I'm loving it. I never knew what I was missing. It's doing something for my heart. But of course, beauty always does. Did I mention that this land is stunning? There are palm trees, numerous flowers and flowering shrubs, avocado trees, grapefruit trees, orange trees, fijoa trees.....and the list could go on. It really is a small piece of paradise. Check out these flowers:

Yes, they are real. No, they weren't a housewarming present bought from the local florist. I picked those myself from our backyard. Now that's incredible. Never had flowers like that before in my backyard.....ever.

And I feel more at home now than I have in six months. Maybe it's because we lived in this house for 3 months last year and it feels familiar. Maybe because this house is part of a larger property that has been dedicated to the Lord's purpose decades ago, and there is a very real sense of peace here. Maybe it's because we're now where we're supposed to be. But I like it. And I think I'll like it even more when the boxes are put away and the counters are clean and the pictures are on the wall and maybe - just maybe - I can start to feel settled again.

But now it's time to pull my mind off the unpacking project and turn my focus back onto the prayer room and the internship. Easier said than done. I don't multitask very well. But I must, seeing as how I have a prayer meeting to lead tomorrow and a class to teach Friday night and a graduation to think about and plan for a week from Friday. I guess the house will remain a mess for yet a few more days.....

1 comment:

Esther Irwin said...

Beautiful flowers, aren't they? We have them growing like weeds too. I remember my sister had them for her wedding bouquet and they cost heaps. Trees are redeemed when they bear fruit. Glad you are settling in good. Sounds like a great place for kids to run around.