Friday, July 14, 2006

Has it been a week already?

Wow. It's been a week since I've written anything on here. Ouch. Didn't realize it had been that long. Where did 7 days go? I remember now that when our container came a few months back and it was unpacking week, I fell off the blogging wagon for a while. I should have done the math and figured out that the same would probably happen during packing week, too. My apologies to my dedicated readers who have missed out on the commentary of life this past week (all two of you out there). But don't worry - you didn't miss much. This has been the extent of my days: prayer room, packing, packing the box again that I just packed because my little helper unpacked it, cooking dinner, doing laundry, packing a few more boxes, trying to stay sane. Anyways, tomorrow is moving day. Thankfully, we're as close to packed as we can be.

I'd like to be optimistic and say that I'll now be resuming my regular schedule of frequent posts, but judging from my last performance during unpacking week, I can't give any promises. Also don't know when our internet will be hooked up at our new house, so I may miss out on a few days right there. But, rest assured, I will be back. Hopefully sooner rather than later.


Esther Irwin said...

we have missed you, Kristi!!

Jaime said...

I hope it all goes smoothly as you unpack! Have fun!... Or at least, try to have fun. :-)