Friday, November 24, 2006


It's been a full-on week. In fact, I'm not quite sure where the last few days went. I'm sure that yesterday was just Monday.

But Friday has come (and almost gone), and before I lay my head on the pillow, we will be well into Saturday. In a few minutes we leave to drive to Auckland to pick up some of our closest friends who are coming into town to see us. Jeremy and Larisa will be here for the next 10 days, along with her family, who will also be spending a couple of days here, too. We are really looking forward to seeing them and having some good time together. It will definitely be good for the heart.

Tomorrow we celebrate a belated Thanksgiving. We decided to wait until Jeremy and Larisa came into town so they could join us. They missed Thanksgiving in America, so we figured it would be fun to feast together here. Today I spent a fair bit of time in the kitchen doing lots of cooking for tomorrow, did a bit of running around town, and taught class tonight. It's been a full day already. I'm tired, but so looking forward to seeing our friends in just a few hours. What a gift to have them come and see us here.

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