Thursday, November 02, 2006

The calm before the storm

That's probably the best way to describe this week. It's been relatively low-key; mostly 'normal' (whatever 'normal' is). But that's all about to change. In a minute.

On Sunday we have someone coming to stay with us for the week.....a lady who currently lives in Townsville who we've known for a while. She's awesome - has been involved with WYAM and IWT for many years, etc. She's the real deal, and is coming through town this coming week. So, since we have an extra room, we gladly put our hand up to host her while she's here.

Also next week we (that is, the house of prayer) is hosting a week-long gathering of people from around the nation who want to gather together, basically, to pray. The schedule will be the same as it is normally for the interns, we'll just have about double the people doing it all with us. The fun part is that our friends, Andy and Bek, are coming up for the summit, too (not staying with us, though) we're really looking forward to having some good time with them. It's been a while since we've caught up in person.

Then a couple weeks after the summit, Jeremy and Larisa and their family come into town - can't wait to see them and to have some good times together - just like old times. That's going to be awesome. And then after they leave, Graeme and Sabrina come and then it's Where has the year gone? So, all that to's about to get real crazy around here. And really fun. Really fast.

So, we've been enjoying this week. The last couple days, the weather has been beautiful, so Taylor and I have clocked in some good time playing outside and enjoying the sunshine. Hard to believe it's going to be summer soon. That's still so weird to me.......

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