Sunday, April 22, 2007

A full week; a full house.

Who would have known that it would take as many days to recover from camp as we actually spent at camp?! I have been pretty tired these last couple days; fortunately for me, I haven't had any commitments these last 3 days, except going into the prayer room for four hours on Saturday morning. I don't know that I can truthfully say I feel completely rested, but alas, tomorrow begins the start of another week whether I'm ready or not. And a full week it will be! We have a guest speaker coming to teach class for the internship, and after he leaves on Thursday, while other good friends of ours arrive to stay with us for a couple days. On Wednesday, Taylor's friend Kylie and her big sister, Leilani, will be coming over for the day, as their mom and dad are in Australia for the week. That will be fun for Taylor - it's been a long time since she's had playtime with Kylie. As busy as it will be, I am looking forward to the opportunity to welcome friends into our home and enjoy time with them!

And now onto the subject of life, death, and joke, that's been the bedtime topic of conversation the last two nights. It all started when I was reading to Taylor in her children's story Bible from "Revelation" about heaven and hell. And she wanted to know all about it - especially hell. So, we talked about it. Who and what is in hell and why. The fact that heaven and hell are real, no matter what other people may say or believe. Why Jesus had to die on the cross. These have been pretty intense conversations, and have moved me to pray for her long after the goodnights are said and the lights are turned off. The weightiness of eternity has struck me afresh - heaven and hell are not only real, but they are real forever. And the realization that this little child who we love so much is also an eternal being just like the rest of us - who must choose for herself how she will spend eternity. This is what moves a mother and a father to pray. This is no small matter. It is my prayer that these conversations that we have about life after death and Jesus and salvation - even at such a young age - will plant seeds of truth in her spirit that will stand strong in the day of adversity.
And finally, so we don't end on such an intense note, let me share just a couple more pictures of camp. This is how Taylor kept herself occupied while Mommy was speaking, leading worship, in meetings, etc. etc. etc. She's such an amazing little girl!


ariki said...

I am impressed, was dying to know how you did it with Taylor coming along! Isn't it amazing how they have such a hunger to know EVERYTHING. Hope you have a great week, I've realised I'm about as routined as my kids - go away and takes just as long as them to get back into things!!!! Love you guys.

Jaime said...

She is adorable! That picture of her watching a movie is so cute. :-)

Sometimes when I have those deep and intense conversations with the kids, I get choked up. These are such big topics and so special and I want to share everything (while still on their level) and not mess up... Whew, I'm so glad we can pray and that it's God that works in their little hearts and not us.

The prayers of a righteous man (or mama) availeth much!

marciisaacs said...

She has grown up so much! What a blessed little girl to have a mommy like you!