Monday, April 02, 2007

A "too-tired-to-come-up-with-a-creative-title" Post

What an incredibly busy day! It felt like one of those days in which every spare moment was filled; or should I say, there were no spare moments at all! The day looked like this: prayer room, meeting after the prayer meeting, home to get Taylor lunch, talk to Dad and Joanie on the phone, put Taylor down for a nap, while Taylor is sleeping - make sushi rolls and hang laundry and wash dishes and tidy house and get ready for mount , wake Taylor up to leave for the mount to meet Nic out there, go up mount (new personal best time of up and down in 25 minutes), come home and shower, get dinner ready, set table......then breathe.

Since Aaron is gone, I decided to have a few girls over tonight. So we had an Asian-themed dinner: Oriental chicken salad, sushi, spring rolls, and a mandarin orange-jello-whipped cream thingy for dessert. It was a great evening - good to spend time together outside the context of the prayer room.

Tomorrow promises to be busy still, but not as intense as today. Usually when Aaron goes away, life slows down a bit. Not this time! But even in the midst of it, I feel a sense of grace to be living at break-neck speed - at least for a few days. The good news is that we have a few days off for Easter - I'm definitely looking forward to having a bit of a rest!

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