Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Lots goin' on.....

It's been a full couple weeks 'round these parts! After Nana Dot left to go back to Hastings, Aaron spent a few days in Wellington for a ministry trip. Upon his return, we had John and Julie Dawson in Tauranga for the week. It was great to have them around and to receive who they are and all that they impart to a community when they come. When someone like them come into town, it's inevitable that things are shifted and stirred; it's been exciting to watch God move and listen to all that He is saying in this season. We are so, so encouraged; and though this season certainly has some challenges, we are amazed at all that God is doing.

In just a few days Aaron and I will leave Taylor here with her Nana and Grandad and head off to Sydney for a week ~ mostly ministry, partly vacation. Aaron is speaking at a Korean church, and then we'll take two days at the end of the trip and enjoy a short "holiday", as they call it here. Aaron also has a couple friends who live over there who we'll hopefully get to catch up with. I can't even comprehend a whole week being childless; I'm sure I'll be enjoying it, but also missing our little princess, too. I'm most excited about having a couple of days to ourselves. It's been so long since we've had that luxury; we're going to be lovin' every minute of it! Everyone who I've talked to that has been to Sydney tells me that I'm going to absolutely love the city and we're in for a great time. Can't wait!

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