Saturday, December 02, 2006

Mt. Maunganui

Our last bit of fun for the week was a hike up the mount Saturday morning. Believe it or not, I've lived here almost one year and had never hiked up the mount before. It was a pretty good workout and (borderline) fun - at least, once we got to the top. Here's proof I actually did it:

It's been a great week. Truckloads of fun, but it also has admittedly made me a bit homesick. Hanging out with friends from home can't help but be a vivid glimpse of the life we left behind - that life being one which I still miss very much some days, though it no longer exists how we knew it.

But enough of that. The good news is that Sabrina comes this week. It will be awesome having her here. Then it's time to start thinking about Christmas, which has potential to make me even more homesick. I was thinking today about putting up the Christmas tree.....just don't know if I can do it when it's warm outside and the windows are open. It just seems so, un-Christmas-like. Oh, well. I guess I can't be a Scrooge forever, so I better get used to it. Taylor deserves a Christmas tree and a mom who's (trying to be) into the holiday.


Esther Irwin said...

Yeah, it's hard sometimes. I called my sister for Thanksgiving and the whole family was there except for me. They were getting ready to sing grace, so I joined in on the phone. I think it made the homesickness worse.

Jaime said...

It must be hard sometimes to find that balance between missing home and still allowing yourself to think about everyone and everything from home. I admire your honesty and transparency, but still your desire to make where you are home now. You're a neat gal.

I almost cried when I read Esther's comment... Wow, I can't even imagine how you both must feel being so far from family.

But, God is faithful and will bless you for being faithful to Him. :-)

Kristi Walsh said...

Thanks, Jaime. Much-needed encouragement. :-)

Kelsey Bohlender said...

Kristi, every time I think of you guys being so far away and how hard it must be, that verse comes to my mind -- "From the ends of the earth I hear singing..." You are a part of something so much bigger than a few miles can separate. You are partners to hastening the day of Jesus' return. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your reward will be with Him when He comes!

Anonymous said...

You climbed the mount! You champion!