Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Back in the prayer room

Yesterday was our first day back in the prayer room. It was good to be back - albeit a bit strange, too. That first time back after being gone for a while always feels a bit 'rusty'. Everyone else was so excited to be there, rested and refreshed after a good break. It is so refreshing to live and work amongst a people so enthusiastic to embrace the place of prayer.

Went up the mount again this afternoon - and I aced it! It was probably the fastest I've ever gone up - even ran (up) part of the way - and didn't feel tired when I was done. It's so strange, because Monday was probably the hardest the mount has ever been, and I felt so tired when I got home. But today was definitely one of those days that keeps me coming back again and again to climb that mount. Unfortunately, I get one of those days only, oh, every three weeks - but each day I go up, I wonder if this might be the day when I feel like gold when I'm done.

It's getting late - time to retire and hit the hay so I don't have to hit the snooze button (too many times) when that alarm goes off oh so early tomorrow morning. Tomorrow's one of my early mornings - gotta be out of the house by 7:45. Eeeek!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

7:45, the morning's half gone by then. PW