Thursday, January 25, 2007

A year's gone by....

After a few weeks of hassels, I've now got my New Zealand driver's license.....a few days shy of when I would no longer be legally driving on my American one. Which means that it's almost a year to the day since we moved here. It's a strange feeling. At risk of repeading the age-old cliche, I can't believe a whole year has gone by already. It has absolutely flown by. Now, a year down the track, we are starting to feel settled into life, routines have been established, and our new life is starting to take shape. Looking back, I can say with confidence that it has been a good year - though massively difficult and painful at the same time. I have to say, I'm glad we've made it this far. I'm glad that the "year of firsts" is over. And I'm glad that I didn't give up.


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you and how you have stuck with it even when it's been hard for you! I've enjoyed reading your blog, it's been awesome and faith building to see you rise above and really press into God for strength and give your all to what your doing, even if your heart was still back home at times! God is going to really honor you for your obedience to Him! You are awesome and a real example! Love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in getting some teaching on song of songs -
IHOP focused - I love the IHOP website.

Kiwi girl

Kristi Walsh said...

Hi Kiwi girl, I'd check out the IHOP online bookstore, and get some of Mike Bickle's stuff on Song of Solomon. There are probably some other resources written by other people on there, too, that you could check out as well. hope that helps!