Did you know that New Zealand is the nation farthest away geographically from Israel? Therefore it could reasonably be argued that when the "ends of the earth" are mentioned to in Scripture, it is in reference to New Zealand.
So, I decided to do a word study today on the "ends of the earth", and to my surprise, I found between 29 and 37 verses (depending on which translation you use) that are about the "ends of the earth". Some of the promises are awesome; others cause me to tremble. Take for example, these:
- 1 Samuel 2:10, "...the Lord will judge the ends of the earth...." (That sure spells it out pretty clearly).
- Psalm 67:7, "God shall bless us, and the ends of the earth shall fear Him."
- Isa. 45:22, "Look to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth! For I am God and there is no other."
- Isa. 52:10, "...And all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God."
There are lots more pretty incredible verses that are certainly deserving of further study. It sure does make me wonder what was in the heart and mind of God when He recorded these words in Scripture. Hmmm. Interesting stuff to think about.