Saturday, May 26, 2007

Thoughts from the morning

It's 7am. I am not a morning person. But I am up and showered and dressed and ready for my day, which begins in the prayer room in less than an hour. On Saturdays, I have the luxury of sitting in the prayer room for two whole hours of purely devotional time before I lead intercession at 10am. Today's topic of study? The sermon on the mount. Later, I'll post a few thoughts on this foundational sermon of Jesus, but let's say for now that it is undeniably worthy of study. And not just of study, but of implementation into life and ministry. It's not just a good idea, it's absolutely necessary. Realizing how little understanding I actually have of this portion of Scripture, I've decided it's time to be deliberate in studying it a bit further.

Taylor has woken up; time for cuddles!

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