Thursday, May 17, 2007

Random thoughts for the day

There are some days that I wish I had a degree in counseling. Or psychology. Or something like that. Today is one of them. My high school AP Psychology was perhaps one of my favorite classes I took in high school, but it barely scratched the surface. And that was a heckuva long time ago. I don't know that this desire will ever become strong enough to translate into me actually going to school, but the thought does cross my mind every now and then.

And speaking of high school being a long time ago.....I've had two scenarios the last couple days that have really made me feel old. The first one was when I was writing an email and without even thinking, put myself in the "30 year-old" category instead of the "20 year-old" category. Okay, so I do have a few more years until I hit the 30 mark, but I sure am closer to 30 than I am to 20. The second scenario was when I was digging through our storage shed the other day and found dolls that I played with when I was a little girl. It was a surreal moment when I got them out and then gave them to Taylor to play with. I remember thinking when I put those away however-many-odd-years-ago that someday I would give them to my own little girl to play with. Did someone hit the fast forward button? Sure feels like it. Never mind the fact that she told me she didn't want to play with them, and asked me to put them back in storage! :-)

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