Thursday, October 11, 2007

A bit of a moan

It's been a while since I've had a good whine on my blog. Figured now's as good a time as any, especially since I've decided I'm officially feeling homesick. I've been thinking of home quite a bit the last few weeks. Probably has to do with the fact that our trip Stateside is on the horizon, yea, rapidly approaching, and I'm more than ready to go. Might also have something to do with an on-the-whim idea for me to head east for a weekend on my own and have a couple days with my parents in my hometown. Can't wait. Nothin' like goin' back to your roots. Oh, and did I mention the New York style pizza and canolis from the Italian bakery awaiting me when I get there?

At any rate, I miss CT, I miss Kansas City. I miss family, I miss friends. BBQ and baseball. Shopping and snow. Thunderstorms and Target. Fall and favorite foods. The list goes on. But I'll stop here. 'Nuf said.

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