Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Those Rockies aren't done yet

Where have the days gone? The week is just about half gone already (not to mention the fact that October is already half gone, and the year almost done. How did that happen??). Anyways, what got me started on that is the realization that it's been a few days since I've posted; my apologies.

Our week off was wonderful - long, lazy days that were a good mix of both restful and productive, but all too soon it was time to get back into the normal routine of life. I will say, though, that the last couple days have been great and the only bodily sign of rebellion against the normal schedule is a fair bit of sleepiness in the morning when it's been time to get the day going. It is no secret that I have set my sights on the long-awaited journey we will be departing on almost exactly two months from now (and the long break that comes with it). I am more than excited to go home; now that couldn't come soon enough.

But before I get too far ahead of myself, there is still much to enjoy in the glorious month of Rocktober. Nevermind the fact that we are half a world away, we are joining the celebrations in Denver in spirit. Baseball fans are baseball fans, no matter where on the planet they are located. Yes, the Rockies are going to the World Series! They completed the series sweep against the Diamondbacks today, winning 21 of their last 22 games. I still can't believe they're going to the World Series; it's just too good to be true. This is a great day for Rockies fans, to be sure.


robin k said...

Just want you to know that since the Braves are totally out of the picture, we're routing for the Rockies just for you!!!!! Robin/anna's mom

Kristi Walsh said...

Awesome - I love it! Hope you all are doing well. Thanks for leaving a comment!