Monday, October 29, 2007

Not one, but two moments of fame

So yesterday during our World Series, my sis-in-law emailed the commentators for the World Series, because they take emails during the game from fans watching throughout the US and the world. Occasionally, they read the emails that come in, answering questions, and the like. No mention was made of our email yesterday.....but today, they read the email that Nic sent in:

6 stunning girls are cheering The Rockies on from Tauranga, New Zealand. We are rooting for Jeremy Affeldt! We are wearing purple wigs and have decorated our den purple and black! GO THE ROCKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The hot dogs have come off the grill! 3 Americans, 1 canadian and 2 kiwis watching Baseball!

I thought it was pretty cool that our humble little world series party was mentioned on the world-wide telecast of World Series game #4. As if that's not enough of a claim to fame, on our national news tonight, they played the highlight of the game during which the commentators were reading the email from the "6 stunning girls from Tauranga, New Zealand", proving the point that the World Series truly is a world-wide event.

As for the Rockies, well, that's a sad loss. But hey, no one even would have guessed they would be playing in the World Series to begin with, so despite the loss, there really is reason to celebrate an amazing accomplishment of a talented team. Go Rockies!!

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