Thursday, October 25, 2007

Piano Practice

One of the things I have been trying to become somewhat diligent at recently is regular* piano and vocal practice. Tonight I was messing around on Dayna's electric piano, and figured out something ~ and I think that the "something" I figured out is something I've been trying to figure out for a long time, but never was able to. Not that it's that profound or especially tricky or anything. I've just never messed around long enough to be able to allow my fingers to do what I hear in my mind. (Remember, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Sometimes painfully obvious things still take me a while to figure out). I love that point of breakthrough, when the revelation comes and a whole new world of experience is opened up. It makes the long hours of seemingly worthless labor completely worth it.

Something true not only of music, but also of prayer.

*Regular - That is, as often as is allowed within the constrains of life as a wife, mom, etc. Not to be confused with "daily", lest I present an exaggerated perception of my self-imposed disciplines.

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