Thursday, August 07, 2008

Rainbows on a rainy day

It has been an unusually cold and wet winter. Today was the first day in (what felt like) weeks in which it hasn't rained at all. As much as the continual rain can get a bit wearisome, and as much as the squally showers on partly-sunny, partly-cloudy days can get quite annoying, one of the benefits of the unpredictable weather is the number of stunning rainbows we get to witness here. I have never seen so many rainbows ever before in my life. Often we will see three, four, or even five different rainbows in one day. And no matter how often I see a rainbow, my heart always skips a beat when I see one, and I can't help but to wonder and consider how glorious and merciful is the Creator who painted it in the sky. These pictures don't do justice to the glory of rainbows here in Tauranga, but I figured they were worth posting regardless.

1 comment:

Esther Irwin said...

I saw one that both ends were on the ocean - it was incredible! NZ is the first place I've known of where you can actually see the ends of the rainbow. They are lovely.