Monday, August 07, 2006

New Beginnings

Today marked the start of the second internship program. This afternoon, the new interns all came to our house for a short meeting/introductions/registration, etc. and then this evening we hosted a BBQ with the new interns, the former interns, and some others in the THOP community. It was a great evening - a time to strengthen bonds with friends and a time to welcome the new ones into the family.

I'm a bit sad knowing our week off is over, but at the same time, I'm ready to get back into the prayer room, get back into the routine, and keep walking forward. The next several months promise to be good ones....a trip home to the States in September, a visit from some of our closest friends in November, and Graeme and Sabrina here in December. Not to mention the fact that it's nice to begin an internship knowing that we're settled in our house, have been here for 6 months already, and feel a bit like I now have my feet underneath me. Looking back to February, I'm not quite sure how I did it. There sure was lots of grace! :-)


Esther Irwin said...

You've done well, Kristi, the last 6 months.

Have you found the Cheerio's in the cereal section yet?? I was so excited to find them.

How many are in the new internship?

Kristi Walsh said...

Cheerios in the cereal section?? what store? haven't found them here yet - but I will be looking!!

Esther Irwin said...

Foodtown is where I found them. When you only have one store close to you, that's where you shop! Petrol is too dear to go much further.