Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Fun Continues... does the jet-lag. Once again, Taylor was awake at 11pm last night, ready to get up and play. But she's so good in the midst of it.....she stayed in her crib for about an hour and a half, again without crying or fussing. Just talking and trying to go back to sleep. It really could be so much worse. Of course, this also means that I haven't gone to bed before 1am all week......but this morning when I woke up, I didn't feel like I had been hit by a truck, so that's always helpful. :-)

This morning we (Taylor and I) went out for breakfast with my Pastor's wife and had a great time with her. Then this morning we went to the library with Grandma Joanie and got a huge stack of books to bring home. I must admit, it was a bit weird bringing Taylor to the same library that my mom brought me to when I was her age. :-)

Taylor is now sleeping, and I'm feeling like I could also use a little lie-down. But to take a nap is to give in to jet-lag....I may just press through.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Thinking of you going to that same library with your mom and now you with your daughter brought tears to my eyes.

I know your mom is very proud of you.