Monday, September 11, 2006

Taylor is Definitely Jet-Lagged

I put her to bed tonight at 8pm....and she went to sleep fine. And was sleeping fine...until 10:30pm. It's now after midnight, and she's still awake. To her credit, she has stayed in her crib (with minimal crying) and is "trying" really hard to go to sleep, but to no avail so far. She has done so well, considering the last 4 days. I mean, the last two hours really could have been so much worse....she really is a little trooper.

I sure hope she goes to sleep soon, though, 'cuz mommy is getting tired and wanting to kick this jet-lag, too. It could be a long night.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm so glad you are having such a great time being at home! If you figure out any tricks for helping Taylor get over jetleg, please let me know! I'm wondering how Noah is going to do when we go for Christmas! Enjoy your time! Bless you!

Kristi Walsh said...

Hey trena,
yeah, we're having such a great time - it's awesome to be home. I love america so much and have missed it tons. it's great to be back. as far as the jetlag goes, noah might not be too bad, as he's still pretty little. this is the first time that taylor has really felt it - when we came home last year, she was over it in a couple days. what have I done? helped her to get sleepy by a sort of artificial means. (Did I just sat that? of course not!) Let the reader understand. :-)