Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Post of Two Themes

IHOP is in the middle of a 3 day celebration rejoicing in 7 years of 24-7 prayer and worship. Today we gathered as a staff for a time of remembrance....remembrance of the good times, the hard times, the funny times, and the embarrassing times. We laughed like perhaps I have never seen our community laugh together. These three days have been especially meaningful for Aaron and I, as ones who have been here from the beginning and who lived many of the stories and moments that were talked of today. It has been good to remember where we (as a ministry) started and how far we've come, especially now that we (as a couple) are re-living in a sense those early days again.....though where we are now in NZ feels about 10 years behind where we were in 1999 in KC. I have felt again such incredible gratitude in my heart to the Lord for calling me/us to this place to be part of the birthing of this movement - in a way that felt 'quite accidental' from a natural perspective. I looked around the room today in awe of the lifelong friendships that were forged in these years, and of the caliber of men and women that we were priviledged to 'rub shoulders with' and call our friends these last 7 years. For this, we are a blessed people indeed. It's no wonder it has been hard to say goodbye. But this leaving and re-locating is part of the strategy of God in forming this "international family of affection" as Mike calls it. These friendships and camaraderies are forged out of substance that transcends geographic location and the boundaries of time and space. Friendships that are real and remain despite the miles and hours between us. Relationships that will endure to the end. So it's good to come home and renew the ties and maintain the connections between these ones who have been and still are our comrades. And for this I am grateful.

And for something else, I am grateful for, too: Wal-Mart. Today was my first visit back to this blessed piece of real estate in Kansas City. I'm actually quite surprised that none of the employees stopped and asked where I've been for the last eight months. I was certain that I would have been missed, and a marked decline in monthly sales noted since late January. But alas, my homecoming in this regard went largely unnoticed. That, however, caused no disappointment in my shopping experience. Wal-Mart was just as good (if not better) than I remembered it to be. I relished in the large selection and ever-so-inexpensive prices that awaited me there. I'm quite certain I could have spent twice as much as I did, had I not been aware that my entire shopping budget for the trip couldn't be spent in one setting. It was while walking through the aisles this evening that I became aware of the great luxury it would be to be able to shop in such a wonderful place whenever I liked; I can't believe I wasn't aware of this great fortune when I lived a mere 10 minutes away. I have since decided that living in New Zealand is an expression of living the fasted lifestyle - probably good for me in a way, to deny myself of the pleasures of shopping and eating out in the glorious restaurants here in KC. I don't think there's any need to tell you that I am enjoying every minute here and living it up to it's full potential. And on that note, it's time for me to retire for the night. Another morning of shopping awaits us tomorrow!

1 comment:

LORENA said...

I feel your heart of gratitude to God, well done... it has to be so good to see another house of prayer been birth... my prayers for you and family... please keep Ecuador in yours and remember whenever God calls you to come.. you are welcome
