Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Fun

The last few days, Taylor has been eagerly getting ready for Valentine's day, making cute little cards for Daddy and Aunt Nicky. We also cut out little hearts (red for Daddy, pink for Aunt Nicky) on which we wrote reasons why Taylor loves them. It was great - she thought up the reasons all on her own with almost no help from me - and they were really good ones, too! This morning after they left for the prayer room/work, Taylor hid them around the house for them to find. She had so much fun doing it! And of course Daddy and Aunt Nicky loved it, too! This morning we also made some cupcakes for the interns that we'll decorate tonight. She's really getting into it!

I love celebrating holidays with her - not always for the sake of the holiday itself, but because of the opportunity it presents to create special memories and traditions as a family.


Unknown said...

Hey Kristi

Does THOP have any conceivable plans for a night watch at any stage in the near future...? :)

Kate (from Wellington)

ariki said...

Hey kristi, I couldn't e-mail you....for some reason it got blocked....but Sat AM is fine for us, look forward to it!

Marci Lewellen said...

you are such a great mom... :)

Kristi Walsh said...

That's great, Anna - Glad that will work. Looking forward to seeing you then!

Kristi Walsh said...

Thanks, Marci!

Kate - No, sorry - not at this stage. We've just added some afternoon hours, which is what we can handle for now. All in due time...

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristi, you don't know me, but my husband and I are intecessors in Kansas City...although he keeps wistfully suggesting that maybe WE could be called to New Zealand (!) - although I think we both know it's not all the glamor and adventure of the Lord of the Rings ;o). Anyway, I'm enjoying the adventures and passion for intercession I've been reading of you and your family in recent weeks. My husband and I also enjoyed a delightful Valentine's Day, and I look forward to the day when my 4-month baby Levi makes his mommy a Valentine card!