Monday, February 26, 2007

All in a day's work

Monday has come and gone, and already items are being added to the "Tasks" list on my Outlook much faster than they're being crossed off. I won't be doing any further damage to that list tonight, though. It's 9:30 already now, and before I can retire for the night, I still need to load the bread machine with all the necessary ingredients that will produce a hot, steaming loaf of bread by about 7:00 tomorrow morning. What a great way to wake up - to the smell of fresh bread! Now is a perfect time to confess that I love our bread machine. In fact, I think it's my favorite kitchen appliance. Sometime this week I plan to give pumpernickel bread a go and see how it turns out. Yummy!

Today was a fun day; thoroughly enjoyed playing with Taylor this morning. We went "shopping" with her baby Emily to buy fruits and veggies, and then returned "home" to Taylor's kitchen, only to discover that it was time to record a "cooking show" for the Food channel, of which Taylor was the hosting chef. What a busy morning! And in between all that, I managed to get laundry done, get the house cleaned up, and find a few minutes for some last-minute prep for class this afternoon. I taught the interns the "Distinctive Characteristics of the Harp and Bowl Prayer Model", which was actually quite fun. After a good walk up the mount and a quiet evening with the family, I'm ready to call it a day.

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