Friday, February 02, 2007

Current Events

It's been quite a week. Now, at 11:30 pm on Friday night, I feel like for the first time in a few days, I'm able to put my feet up and relax. Between our regular prayer room schedule, going up the mount, helping to paint Aaron's new office, and preparing for the next internship, the last few days have been quite full. Ah, yes - that's a project I haven't told you about yet. Our amazing landlords have built Aaron a new office just outside our house. It will answer the need for a quiet, out-of-the-way place for meetings and study - something that doesn't exist within the four walls of a dwelling shared by 4 people, one of whom being under the age of 3. Once we finish the painting, the electrician will come and perform the all-important final step of installing lights and plugs, and then we'll be up and running. Yeah!

In other news this evening, the internship has doubled in the last week! It's been quite surprising to watch the Lord add to our numbers at the last-minute; an unexpected (though very welcome) turn of events. We will hit the ground running on Monday, so we are taking the weekend off to enjoy some family time and a bit of extra rest before the week starts. Hopefully that rest will begin tomorrow with a nice big sleep-in. The only trouble with this plan is that it is completely dependent on the smallest member of the family. I also have great ambitions of doing a very thorough house-clean so we can start off the internship with things on the homefront neat and tidy, but I'm not feeling very confident that these aspirations will come to fruition. That might have to wait for my next bit of spare time. Whenever that will be.

That's all for now, folks. Goodnight.

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