Saturday, September 22, 2007

Catching Up

Wow. I really need to stay diligent when it comes to posting. Some days it just seems that there's not much exciting to write about! Either that, or there's lots to write about, but I don't have a chance to sit down at my computer to actually post about it.

This past week, we had a couple from Fiji come and stay with us for a few days. They're pastors of a church in Suva; this is the couple Aaron always stays with when he goes to Fiji. Since they were already going to be in NZ for a few weeks, they wanted to come to Tauranga to check out the house of prayer. It was so fun to be able to love on them and pray for them and see them come and be refreshed in the presence of the Lord.

This coming week will be quite different than last. Dayna (the girl who lives with us) is home in Canada for a few weeks, and Nic (Aaron's sister) has gone away for a few days during school holidays. So the three of us have the house to oursleves this week; one thing's for sure - it's going to be a lot quieter than usual around here!

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