Saturday, September 29, 2007

Passing Along the American Heritage

Ever since Taylor was little, I have had some small American flags in her toy basket for her to play with. The logic behind that stretigic move was that I wanted the American flag to be a familiar sight to her, a common part of her life, so she would grow up knowing what one was. No worries there. The girl can spot one a mile away.

Anyways, the other day we were picking up toys together, and I came across her American flag. I was suddenly inspired to begin teaching her the Pledge of Allegiance. Why not? I mean, come on.....don't all American mothers sit around home and teach their 3 year old children the Pledge of Allegiance?! So I taught her how to put her hand on her heart, and then she repeated after me as I recited the pledge in 3-year-old-length phrases. I was quite impressed with the way she maneuvered through the pronunciation of some of the larger words such as "indivisible". It really is cute to listen to the Pledge being said in a "3 year old" tone of voice.

(On a side note, I can't remember the last time I said the Pledge of Allegiance. Probably my school days. Back then the Pledge was just another part of the "home room" routine, recited with barely a thought of what it meant. Now, being more than a decade older and living in a foreign country, those familiar words carry more meaning and weight than perhaps they ever have before. Talk about feeling patriotic).

Anyways, back to Taylor. She loved it! And she has come to me since and asked if we can do that "American flag thingy". Not sure how long this phase will last, but I plan on capitalizing on it as long as I can!


Jaime said...

I do a Bible Study called BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and it has a great children's program. Both of my kids know the pledge to the flag, as well as the song My Country 'Tis of Thee. Week by week, we explain the different parts of the flag and what they stand for, the different phrases in the pledge and what they mean, as well as different United States facts (what state they live in, etc). It has really helped me not take our freedom and our country's heritage for granted. But, how many times have I recited the pledge with little or no thought to the words? Many times!

Thanks for the reminder and Yay! for you for teaching Taylor to respect our flag and our country (and the one she's in right now, too, of course). I bet she's so cute when she says the pledge! :-)

Song said...

How fun to be able to interact and watch our children learn at each new stage. Thanks for the comment on our blog, Kristi, and yes, I'd LOVE to get together with you during your visit to KC. Yes, we'll have to play it by ear, but I will really try and make it happen. Email me at when you are in town. Blessings!