Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Rainy Tuesday Afternoon

When I put Taylor down for her nap today, I knew that I would be wise to spend the afternoon listening to my body and resting rather than being productive and "doing". Two hours later I woke up; 3 hours into Taylor's nap, she's still sleeping herself. I think it's safe to say that we were both feeling pretty tired. There's now a steady rain falling, so I've made myself a cup of lemon tea, grabbed the two Rachel Ray magazines I just got in the mail today (from America, that is!), have the baseball set up on my computer so I can keep track of the games and scores for today, and I couldn't think of a better way to spend a rainy afternoon. Speaking of baseball, the last week of the season is getting pretty exciting. The team that our friend plays for has a very strong chance to make the playoffs, so we're following it pretty closely around here....not just their team's progress, but also the teams ahead of them that they need to pull past in the standings in order to extend their season into October. Pretty exciting stuff. But for right now? Those magazines are calling my name!

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